Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A true friend.

A friend is something special.
A friend is someone you depend on, someone who knows you better than everyone else.

A friend is someone who does what you can't do and leaves you to do what he can't do.

Everyone should at least have one.
Cause a friend is what everyone needs.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Insercurity has me running scared.

Every morning that comes brings about a new day.
yet it feels no different from yesterday.

Hoping for a better tomorrow yet when tomorrow comes, nothings changed.

Being but a fool wanting a new beginning in the midst of never taking a step forward.

A fool running from the past ;
hiding in the present ;
scared of the future.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Having the courage to get back up!

Have you had your heart teared apart so badly that you wished you never met the one who tore it?
Its a feeling that only a few can describe and comprehend.

Will it ever heal? Will we be always haunted by it till we are unable to cast it aside and love again? Who knows?
For me, being able to be hurt so badly by a single person is something to be proud of.
For it shows that you fell, you fell deeply into the depths of love.

Cause it is because you loved that you could be harmed,
and being able to love is the most magical thing there is.

We just need to find the courage to do it again, and not let the past stop us.

Have the courage to fall again and hope this time that special someone catches you.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Let me prove my worth!

Give me a chance!
Give me a chance!

Give me a chance and I'll take it!
Let me prove to the world my worth.
Let me earn the respect I crave.
Let me carve out my presence in life and show once and for all I am worth something!

Just hoping for a chance.
A chance to be a somebody.

Friday, September 3, 2010

A warm hello if you please.

Been back home and its nice to be back. It puts into perspective what really matters and who are really there for you.

Life's unique that way when you find the world forgetting you, you find someone whose always been there who didn't forget you.

I have a confession to makes, been adding random strangers ( pretty girls :P ) all the time hoping I make a new friend but to no prevail. LOL! Facebook keeps asking me if I really know the person I'm adding and has actually banned me from adding new people! wow wow!
Come on... can you really blame me for being friendly? :P

I don't really write bout my life cause basically I don't really have a life to write about! and not getting any comments or feedback kinda SUCKS! Would be nice to have a fleeting "Hi" once in a while. :(
I've had people say I have silent readers who browse through, could you drop a comment please to tell me you've been here? haha

As always, a nice little sentence to end a post.

You know nought of a stranger, that's why they are called a stranger.
so don't judge what you know nought of.