It all started at this year's CNY! The year of the tiger has not been kind to me.
List of unlucky events that plagued me.
1. The week before CNY, I was waiting in a line behind this car at a T junction and all of the sudden some girl on her motorbike crashes into me! Had to rush to KL to get a new bumper just so I wouldn't have a scratched up car for CNY!
2. Had an argument with my mum on the day I was going back to kampar, mummy didn't like it..... so... no money for me. Had to stop by the roadside to open my angpau's to pay for the toll! lol
3.Got back to Kampar after CNY just to find out I lost my gf to some other guy who she met during CNY at her hometown! Really heart broken!
4. Lady luck was nowhere near me this year as I lost and lost and continue to lose at every game I play!
Life really sucked the past month! But a few true friends namely my bro Yew Hau and my darling May brought me back into the light so I'm starting a new me!
A new life, a new beginning and a new chapter in life.
Sometimes the things we want aren't always the things we really need.
The new me says that happiness is the best thing to have in your life. It doesn't matter how fucked up your life maybe, its how happy you are with your fucked up life!
Cause the question to ask yourself isn't how much you got out of life but rather how happy were you with life.
No matter what happens, always try to find a reason to smile cause chances are there always ALWAYS is a reason.